Every weekend we're watching movies together...whether you're in Pennsylvania USA, or Sydney Australia. It's a throwback! Back to the days when you had the anticipation for waiting till the weekend to see the classic horror or science fiction film that was listed in the TV Guide. The plan is to watch a movie at 7:30PM on Saturday night in your own time zone. Or, if you can't Saturday night...anytime during the weekend. Then, we'll all get together and e-mail our thoughts on the film...a few paragraphs...or simply a sentence if you'd like. They after-viewing reviews appear on our Creepy Classics/Monster Bash News Page. See the latest thoughts posted by viewers ther now.

Concept submitted by Mike Adams of Carteret, New Jeresey.

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Santa Claus (1959)

Your thoughts on SANTA CLAUS (1959)? e-mail your comments!

This is it! The Christmas movie that warped the minds of a generation! Released in the United states to the children's matinee market during the holiday season through the 1960s. It features Santa Claus fighting a devil from Hades named "Pitch." Pitch has tried to teach the children of earth evil, but Santa Claus won't have it and is risking everything on Christmas eve to save the holiday from the demons of the dark! A wizard, Santa's sci-fi lab, robot reindeer, a creepy dream sequence of giant dolls taunting a little weirdness. You'll find yourself simply shaking your head in disbelief. Imported from Mexico and dubbed in English. A holiday must for every fan of strange cinema. An alternate title could be SANTAS CLAUS VS. THE DEVIL!

I saw this first in the perfect weird child matinee experience. Mom was Christmas shopping and dropped me off to see it at the local theatre (The Guthrie, in Grove City, PA). The posters made it look like a happy Santa was a Kiddue Matinee. But the views are so twisted from the American tradiional Santa Claus...preying on gulit and fear. Scared the crap out me at age five in the theatre...but, I loved it. It took from 1965 until about 1987 for me to figure out what it was (it haunted my dreams for decades) when I happened upon it on VHS. And more memories came rushing back.

Now it's a Christmas tradition in this house.

-Ron Adams, Ligonier, PA

Hey Bash Synchers!

Hope everyone had a happy holiday season, filled with Monster Kid Goodies!

Before I share my comments on Santa Claus, I wanted to tell the tale of how I got my copy of the DVD. When Creepy Classics did its 50% of sale, I jumped on board, and ordered a number of items. I later learned that Ron had been deluged by 100s of orders, not unlike Santa Claus when he gets smothered by letters from the Mexican Post office. I thought, well, in this busy season, I won't be getting my movie on time, I will probably have to rent it on line or watch it on You Tube. Lo and behold, I went to my post office box in the U.S. Friday morning the weekend we were going to sync, and there it was, my package from Creepy Classics. Like a kid who opens the mailbox to find his back issue of FM, I celebrated. And I want to declare, Creepy Classics is no Captain Company! They get your stuff to you fast and efficient. Of course the wait in them old days helped build our character! Thanks Ron, you help make being a monster kid fun!

Having lived in Mexico now for 21 years, I was actually expecting something even crazier than this movie. As I have mentioned in other commentaries on Mexican movies, the Mexican cinema is famous for going over the top, whether it be for laughs, tears or fears. This corny entry was rather calm, if not slow at times for my taste and expectations. For example, the opening scene with the comprehensive look at the United Nations sweatshop that was Santa's factory. Aren't those kids happy? And when you think about it, they must have been suffering as they filmed that as if they were factory workers, with all the time it must have taken under those hot lights. Pitch was fun with that "eccentric" dancing by Trotsky, but not as over the top as I was expecting. There were many slow moments as well, like when we have to wait for Merlin to shuffle over to the telescope. The movie was cute, entertaining, corny, but I was hoping for something wilder I guess.

San Luis, Mexico

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